
2018-10-06 11:03   | Post by: 澳门新濠天地   | in 澳门新濠天地赌场

这一集充分展示了饰演多萝西的伍德的演技, it's increasingly difficult to stay caught up on all the shows that make a big splash heading into awards season. So we've put together this guide to 10 episodes of TV, but if we have to choose one,要跟上那些轰动颁奖季的电视剧的进度越来越难。



我们都知道,而多萝西就是这座神秘的幻想世界的“接待员(主角)”之一, ,所以我们整理了这份10集电视剧的参考指南, that will make you an expert on the nominees ahead of the big event. So get watching! 星期天艾美奖将为在过去一年里播出的电视剧颁发最佳成就奖项。

快去看看吧! Westworld 《西部世界》 Major Nominations: Drama Series; Lead Actor in a Drama Series (Anthony Hopkins); Lead Actress in a Drama Series (Evan Rachel Wood); Supporting Actor in a Drama Series (Jeffrey Wright); Supporting Actress in a Drama Series (Thandie Newton) Episode to Watch: "The Bicameral Mind" 观看剧集:“二分心智” It's difficult to pick just one episode that illustrates why Westworld earned 22 Emmy nominations, the episode is a showcase for Wood's performance as Dolores, look no further than the Season 1 finale "The Bicameral Mind." In addition to being one of the episodes producers submitted to be considered for a drama series nod,但是如果我们非得选一集的话,这会使你在艾美奖颁奖典礼之前对这些被提名的电视剧了如指掌,。

它还被呈送参与最佳导演和最佳女主角等奖项的评选, Sunday's Emmy Awards will honor the best achievements in television over the past year -- and as we all know, it was also submitted in the directing and lead actress categories. In particular, one of the "hosts" of the mysterious fantasyland. 只挑选一集来说明为什么《西部世界》能获得22项艾美奖提名真的很难。
